What to Expect From A Visit

Initial Consultation

The initial consultation with one of our Naturopathic Doctors is 1.5 to 2 hours in length.  This consultation involves discussion of health concerns as well as a review of other body systems.  Physical exam is performed as applicable.  Your Naturopathic Doctor will discuss their understanding of your concerns and set up a treatment plan. Forms to fill out to assist in the understanding of current concerns are available to download on the Naturopathic Medicine section of this web site under Online Consultation Forms.

Follow Up Consultations

Follow up appointments are 30 minutes – 1 hour depending on the needs of the individual.  All follow up appointments include discussion of current concerns, adjustments and additions to treatment protocols are made as needed.

Phone Consultations

Phone consultations can be arranged on request and are subject to fee’s as set up by your Naturopathic Doctor.

Naturopathic Diagnostics

Naturopathic Doctors work with a variety of diagnostic tools, the following is a list of testing done at Jaya Integrative Health Centre;

Saliva Testing

Blood Spot Allergy Testing

Hair Mineral Analysis


Heavy Metal Testing

Digestive Function/Stool Analysis –

Naturopathic Dispensary

A dispensary with supplemental items including nutritional supplements, herbal and homeopathic medicines are available for purchase through your Naturopathic Doctor.